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Merchant Dashboard

Simplify Your Business Operations With Our User-Friendly Merchant Dashboard

Easily track and reconcile your processing activity through our exclusive control center and financial database software.

Our merchant dashboard is designed to offer detailed, real-time transaction processing data and a comprehensive financial overview for each merchant identification (MID), meeting all your financial reporting needs with precision.

Sales Insights:

Gain valuable insights into your sales activity with the following features:

  • Payment Method Analysis: Monitor the sales volume based on different payment methods.

  • Card Scheme Analysis: Track the sales volume for each card scheme.

  • Country Analysis: View the sales volume by country.

  • Daily Volume: Keep track of your daily sales volume.

Chargeback Analysis

Prevent chargebacks and understand their origin with detailed analytics:

  • Reason Code Analysis: Identify the reason behind each chargeback, including the specific reason coding provided by Visa and Mastercard.

  • Country Analysis: Determine the countries from which chargebacks are originating.

  • Card Brand Analysis: Analyze chargebacks based on card brands.

Transaction Log:

Access a comprehensive view of every transaction related to your online business:

  • Unique Transaction ID: Each transaction is assigned a unique ID for easy reference.

  • Transaction Details: View transaction date, time, currency, and amount for accurate monitoring.

Fraud Reports:

Capture and record all forms of fraud to gather actionable data:

  • Identify Suspicious Patterns: Detect potential fraud patterns in its earliest stages to take proactive measures and mitigate the risks with fraudulent activities.

  • Targeted Strategies: By thoroughly analyzing the data collected from previous fraud incidents, we can uncover hidden connections and recurring elements that might indicate larger fraud networks. Our advanced algorithms and expert analysts work together to spot anomalies, trends, and common characteristics among the cases

Business Intelligence:

Gain consolidated intelligence about your business through additional details:

  • Volume Trends: Analyze sales volume trends over time.

  • Top Decline Reasons: Identify the main reasons for transaction declines.

  • Top Transaction Decline Issuers: Identify the issuers with the highest number of transaction declines.

  • Top BIN Countries: Determine the countries associated with the highest number of Bank Identification Number (BIN) transactions.

  • Top Transaction Rejecting Issuers: Identify the issuers with the highest number of transaction rejections.

  • High Volume Customers: Identify customers with high transaction volumes.

With our merchant dashboard, you'll have access to comprehensive data and insights to manage your business effectively and make informed decisions.

Enhance the Checkout Experience:

Tailor the checkout process to each customer's location, language, and currency:

  • Streamlined Checkout: Create a seamless and personalized checkout experience for your customers.

  • Local Payment Methods: Increase conversion rates by accepting the payment methods preferred by customers in their local regions.

  • Clear Pricing: Display prices in local currencies to eliminate confusion and minimize chargebacks.

  • Market Innovations: Stay ahead with the latest advancements and products offered by card schemes.

By providing a local checkout experience, you can optimize conversions, build trust, and leverage market innovations to drive your business forward.

Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics:

Gain valuable insights into your payment performance and uncover hidden revenue potential through our unified reporting features:

  • Traffic Optimization: Analyze traffic patterns and optimize your payment flow to increase approval rates and maximize revenue.

  • Performance Comparisons: Compare performance metrics across different dimensions such as country, currency, payment method, or date to identify trends and make informed decisions.

  • Financial Transparency: Access detailed cost breakdowns and acquirer margins to ensure full transparency and control over your financial operations.

  • Advanced Case Management: Effectively manage and address cases to identify opportunities for revenue growth and enhance operational efficiency.

With our unified reporting capabilities, you can delve deep into analytics, identify areas for improvement, and unlock the full potential of your business.

Elevated Payment Processing Experience:

Right from the start, you'll experience our unique approach to payment processing. We go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results, setting new standards in the industry. Here's what sets us apart:

  • Unmatched Acquiring Flexibility: We offer unparalleled flexibility in payment acquiring, allowing you to tailor the process to your specific needs. Our solutions are designed to adapt to your business requirements, giving you the freedom to choose the best approach.

  • Advanced Customization: We understand that each business is unique, and that's why we provide advanced customization options. Our solutions can be tailored to align with your brand identity, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience for your customers.

  • Performance Strategies: Our dedicated team of experts is equipped with cutting-edge performance strategies to optimize your payment processing. We continuously analyze data, identify opportunities for improvement, and implement strategies to maximize your revenue and conversion rates.

  • Globally-Connected Teams: With our globally-connected teams, you can rely on round-the-clock support and assistance. No matter where you are in the world, our teams are ready to provide personalized guidance and address any concerns you may have.

Unparalleled Uptime and Reliability:

Experience maximum availability and seamless transaction processing with our industry-leading uptime of more than 99.99%. We prioritize speed and reliability to handle large transaction volumes efficiently.

  • Continuous Transaction Monitoring: Our global teams work around the clock, 24/7/365, to monitor transactions and provide comprehensive support whenever you need it.

  • Scalability for Peak Periods: With virtually unlimited scalability, our system is designed to handle peak transaction volumes during high-demand periods, ensuring smooth operations without any disruptions.

  • Redundancy with Multiple Data Centers: To guarantee uninterrupted service, we have multiple data centers strategically located to ensure redundancy. This safeguards against any potential failures and enhances the overall stability of our system.

Rest assured that our infrastructure is built to deliver optimal performance, ensuring your business operates smoothly and securely at all times.

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